IIJA and IRA: Experiments in a New Federalism away from Supply Side Economics & Austerity

America’s failed 50 year experiment with Reganomics, Austerity, Supply-Side Economics has failed to keep America Great when it comes to Infrastructure, R&D, and proactive leadership. Two new bills passed into Law by Congress this year provide an opportunity to counteract that trend. When America was “Great” in 1958, the highest individual tax bracket was 91%, for corporations it was 52%. There was confidence in the power of the Federal Government to address big issues. Nowdays we cut taxes expecting results, corporations down to 21% (or less) and expect big business will solve our big problems. Corporate profits are at 70 year highs. How has that worked for citizens and main street America?

Great Resignation? The thing is, I like to work

Everyone seems to be reassessing their “relationship with work” these days.  It’s about time.  Getting a job has always been freighted with so much meaning.  I run into many younger people who expect every job to be a peak experience.  There seem to be many jobs that nobody wants to do right now.  It is easy to forget that sometimes a simple job can teach something of value. Much of what I know about the world, I learned from each one of my 33 paying jobs.  Easy for me, but what advice would I give someone just starting out with work?